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發布者 EHS Insight Resources2014年11月17日在下午3:30

近小姐報告是安全管理係統成熟的重要跡象。"Near miss” or “near hit” refers to any unplanned event that has the potential to incur loss, injury, or damage, but didn’t. An organization that not only tracks near misses, but examines how and why they occur can prevent future incidents through the use of corrective actions.[1]對於這樣一個係統有足夠的承諾,一個組織可以促進促進,追求和讚揚主動努力的文化,如靠近小姐跟蹤。


There can be obstacles to introducing a near miss reporting program. Near miss reporting is often seen as a top-down management initiative and does not appeal to the average employee, who has a “what’s in it for me” mentality. Many companies struggle to make near miss reporting part of their culture because of a gap between management and the workforce that they are charged with protecting.

由於近小姐的性​​質,即缺乏發揮損失事件可能發生的證據,員工傾向於缺乏其報告將采取行動,甚至積極地通過其監事和上層管理。當雇員需要考慮他們的報告將使他們的監督員看起來很糟糕時,擔心懲罰和報複削弱了這些努力。在一篇文章邁克·威廉姆森,Caterpillar Inc.的高級安全顧問提到了工人講故事的培訓課程,講述了監事的故事,給出了“通過報告問題製作了波浪的麻煩製造者”的監督員。[2]這是管理層的清晰榜樣,通過報告近在咫尺,通過報告促進安全績效,並獎勵參加者。

There are also pressures that exist through workplace interaction that can affect a near miss reporting program taking root in an organization. Upon observing an unsafe condition, an employee must quickly decide whether the observed hazard is worth the immediate attention, and potential work interruption, that may ensue.[3]然而,在近乎錯過的情況下,采取行動可能是減輕危害之間的差異,並且由工人維持嚴重傷害。由雇主借助於近長的報告近乎錯過的信心和安全感,從而消除了與提出關於工作場所安全問題的恐懼。

To help organizations achieve safety success, we published an eBook which examines five practices that help strengthen safety cultures. Download it today and learn more about how you can implement each practice in your organization.


  1. Perform an investigation- 近乎未命中,應認真對待,特別是那些具有高潛在嚴重程度的人。執行調查以確定根本原因,然後應用適當的控件,是開發經驗教訓的好方法,可以分發回組織。這表明,近小姐報告對管理是重要的,即正在采取的行動,並首先提出勞動力的安全。
  2. 在培訓期間介紹近小姐報告- A first impression will stay with an employee as they go through orientation and are introduced to a new management system. Share information about successful near miss reporting from the past, and train employees on how to speak up in their work environment. Have a member of management present to work through these scenarios with employees in order to build confidence that reporting an unsafe observation is the right thing to do.[4]
  3. 讓這個過程變得容易- 通過呈現簡化的近消息報告表來消除繁文縟節。通過減少問題的數量來增加收集質量信息的機會。確保報告係統是非懲罰性的,如果與管理政策一致,匿名。

當遵守這些最佳實踐時,安全焦點組織的利益是顯著的。這是我們從我們的客戶那裏聽到的一些反饋,他們使用EHS Insightight作為其近期未命中的報告策略的一部分。

  1. 信息- 近消息數據提供了有意義的統計分析的機會。越來越缺少趨勢和性能測量作為講述領先的指示。在未命中次數的理解將有助於預測可能發生嚴重傷害和損失的地方,這是管理的有用信息。
  2. 文化- 創建一個開放的問責製,依賴於員工的支持一直到管理。避免設置配額;相反,激勵了有意義的獎勵報告。讚美良好的努力;提供有關進度的更新,並使已提交的近消息表格計數。
  3. 安全– Organizations that implement near miss programs almost always credit them with improving safety. Near miss programs go a long way in improving a range of safety goals, from OSHA recordable numbers to lower total incident rates.

The success of a near miss reporting program is dependent on an entire team’s commitment to safety. Once implemented, a near miss reporting provides a great leading indicator of safety performance, a core tenant of a hazard identification system and a means of engaging and empowering employees throughout different levels of an organization.[5]

[1]莫裏森,凱爾W. "Reporting near Misses." Why Reporting near Misses Is Important. Safety & Health Magazine, 24 Aug. 2014. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. <http://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/10994-reporting-near-misses.>。



話題:EHS軟件Performance Improvement過程安全工作場所健康和安全


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