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TRIR Calculation: How to Calculate Total Recordable Incident Rate

Posted by EHS Insight Resources2018年5月14日上午9:34
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A key EHS metric isTotal Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)or Total Case Incident Rate. TRIR gives the company a look at the organization’s past safety performance by calculating the number of recordable incidents per 100 full-time workers during a one-year period. The lower the TRIR, the better a company’s safety performance appears. Companies can benefit from tracking this metric year-by-year to improve their safety initiatives.


TRIR gives you direct insight into your company’s past safety performance. But your internal EHS department isn’t the only one interested in this particular metric.

如果您的TRIR分數很差,它可能會導致上身surprise OSHA inspections和處罰。此外,OSHA可能會增加他們公司的EHS計劃的監督。


Prospective employees may investigate your company’s safety performance, including TRIR scores. A high TRIR could signal a company’s lack of focus on employee safety and become a potential barrier to talent sourcing.


Given its impact across multiple channels of your business, it’s important you not only understand how to calculate your TRIR, but also how to keep this score as low as possible.

How to Calculate Total Recordable Incident Rate

OSHA uses TRIR, among several other methods, to gauge a company’s safety performance. The resulting calculation reflects the number of recordable injuries per 100 full-time workers during a one-year period.



事件次數x200,000 /每年工作的小時數


  • 休假時間和休假時間(如FMLA離開,軍事假,喪親等)不應包含在“總工作時間”計算中。隻有實際工作時間可以包括在內。

  • If your company uses workers from a staffing or temporary agency and their day-to-day work activities are directed by your employees, their work hours must be included in your total hours worked.
TRIR showing a downward trend.


4 x 200,000 / 425,030 = 1.88


How to Use TRIR to Make a Positive Impact


如果您的公司正在使用EHS software那you will likely have your company-wide safety data already stored in your central knowledge management system. Having this information readily available in the event of an OSHA inspection can lend credibility to your efforts to maintain a low TRIR.

In addition, using EHS software to track your TRIR score and other parts of your EHS program can help you determine a potential problem before it earns attention from OSHA. You get a better idea of your safety performance and can make adjustments as you go.


The business of managing safety programs at work is a lot like what’s happening in the medical world: both industries have taken a more holistic view of keeping people safe and well.

In both cases, that translates into a more integrated perspective with a focus on prevention. For companies interested in lowering their TRIR, the key to prevention lies in the collection and analysis of massive amounts of data.

That simply wasn’t possible just a few years ago, but with today’s new breed of advanced EHS software, it’s not only possible—it’s painless, enjoyable and effective. But even the best software in the world can’t compensate for an environment that’s not conducive to safety. With that in mind, here are three ways to lower your TRIR.

1. Determine YourSafety Culture

This involves some Big Picture thinking, but basically you want to pinpoint the collective attitude towards workplace safety at your company. Ask these questions:

  • 我們在考慮如何預防事故?
  • 大家是否有動力在未命中次數和急救附近報告?
  • 管理是否準備處理安全差距的報告?
  • 每個人都接受上一頁的想法嗎enting incidents before they happen?
  • How do we view safety? Is it the safety person’s job or does everyone participate?

2.鎖定一個堅實的Incident Investigation Process

發生事件時,您將希望在有效的調查中已經有一個安全的過程。經理以及前線工人和其他人應該知道要采取哪些步驟,以確保所有正確的數據和safety metrics以正確的方式收集。



To see how EHS Insight can help you monitor and achieve a better TRIR score, request a free trial of our all-in-oneEHS software解決方案今天。

話題:OSHAEHS Software工作場所健康和安全風險管理遵守EHS管理安全提示事件管理Safety ManagementSafety Culture安全指標


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