跟蹤特定的安全指標Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), Days Away, Restricted & Transfer Rate (DART), Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR), Injury Severity Rates, First Aid Cases and Near Misses is a universal activity that nearly every company in every industry participates in to some extent.

Even though lagging indicators like these don’t really provide a complete picture of the overall health of a company’s safety program, theydostill provide key data about the number, type and severity of recordable injuries and illnesses that are occurring and they are also easy to interpret. For members of upper management and corporate executives who have a lot of information being thrown at them, basic safety metrics like these are extremely easy to understand because all they have to know is that low numbers are better than high numbers.

If you’re not currently using software like EHS Insight for your metrics reporting needs, it means you’re probably performing these calculations manually which we know can quickly become overwhelming. Performing these calculations on paper is really not ideal, especially when the accuracy of the information is tied to safety incentives or other programs.

If you’re not yet in the market for safety software like EHS Insight but you still need a way to track, calculate and present your basic safety metrics on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis, we’ve designed just the tool for you!

Safety Incident & Injury Calculator

With our new Excel basedSafety Metrics & Graphing Calculator Tool, users can perform these basic functions quickly and easily:

  • Automatically generate TRI Rates, DART Rates, LTI Rates and Severity Rates
  • See how your rates compare to the industry average TRIR for your industry (based on NAICS codes & BLS data)
  • Compare 5 years of TRIR data
  • Track monthly & quarterly recordables, work hours, first aid cases and near misses and automatically receive the TRIR for both the month and quarter

As an added bonus, for those times when you need to present this data to upper management or to your hourly workforce in a format that makes sense and is aesthetically pleasing, we’ve included several tabs that will take your supplied data and the associated calculations and graph the data for you, all of which can be modified and edited so that the graphs meet your specific needs.

And, if you’re curious to see the kinds of metrics reportsEHS Insightoffers, we’ve also included a tab that shows the types of metrics reports available through EHS Insight and examples of what they look like. When you’re ready to take the plunge and look into safety software,give us a shout, we’d love to be your first stop.

Download the Template
