
這一切都始於培養工作場所的安全文化。通過合適的培訓程序,公司可以期望在員工接近安全的方式看到一個重大轉型。通過創建一個安全的工作場所 - 使其成為推動可持續商業實踐的首要任務 - 您的組織可以防止事件並提高運營效率。

A commitment to employee safety means approaching the matter from all angles. Plus, you should be innovative as you develop and promote safety plans. In this eBook, we’ll go through five environmental, health and safety (EHS) practices that will improve your organization’s culture.

Chapter 1: Help Your Employees Visualize Safety

Attack Root Causes of Accidents with Posters


Don't Be Afraid to Use Humor for Safety Slogans

Encouraging a culture of safety is a lot easier when you can approach the matter from several angles. One of them can be humor. In fact, sometimes a few lines of humor may go a lot further than anything else if you’re trying to surround your employees with safety reminder slogans. If the voice in your head must ask “is this safe?” then it probably isn’t. Sarcasm, wit, and outright humor will get noticed on your visuals if done properly with a professional tone. One great example is the poster below, where just a touch of subtle humor really homes in on an important safety theme.




When you’re teaching teams about EHS metrics, data visualization is essential because you’re reaching people of different ages, educational levels, and styles of learning. As you are presenting EHS data, you want to make sure all stakeholders are responsive and alert with your materials to help the environment, prevent workplace injuries, and most importantly—to save lives. Your goal in reporting and presenting metrics in a visualized manner is to help you maximize awareness, productivity, and connectivity with your staff. New technologies, likeEHS software,可以幫助團隊在日常業務運營中可視化優勢和弱點。


Using various forms of charts can empower you to effectively communicate your EHS progress. Comparing a few key data points can inform others.

Pie Charts:例如,如果您在工作中顯示最常見的傷害,您可以展示在特定設施中發生的最常見類型的事件。確保餅圖清楚地標記為提供您顯示的數據的簡單視覺表示。

Column Charts:您是否嚐試按月顯示事件故障或已完成的糾正措施和預防措施(CAPA),列圖是顯示不同數據點的好方法。此圖表類型是有幫助的,因為它可以在特定時間段內顯示 - 並進行比較數據。

趨勢圖: Displaying your data trends over time is advantageous. Trend lines give your organization insight regarding historical and current performance, and based on those points, management can make changes to the EHS program.

儀表板: Combining all of your metrics into a dashboard is another great way to illustrate your organization’s progress. With EHS software, you can easily setup an interactive dashboard for your colleagues to navigate and interact with different charts and KPIs.

Remember to keep in mind the different ways you plan to distribute your deliverables. Some staff members may want a hard copy of the reports while others may prefer to view them on a monitor, tablet, or mobile device. However, data posters are a great way to showcase the organization’s overall EHS performance. Not only are they eye-catching, but posters also help deliver engagement across the workforce, program, and beyond.


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